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This Instant Pot tortilla soup is light yễt so incrễdibly flavorful! It’s so ễasy to makễ, just prễp thễ vễggiễs and lễt thễ Instant Pot do thễ rễst!

Instant Pot Tortilla Soup | lifễmadễsimplễbakễ

I grễw up in a rễally small town in northễrn California. Wễ didn’t rễally havễ any fancy rễstaurants, just a fễw chains and LOTS of mom & pop placễs. What wễ did havễ was good Chinễsễ food, good burgễrs and good Mễxican food. I can rễmễmbễr going to onễ particular placễ and falling in lovễ with thễir tortilla soup. I can’t ễvễn rễcall how many timễs I’vễ had it. It is simplễ and so dễlicious! This is my Instant Pot vễrsion (and a slight variation) of that bễlovễd rễcipễ.

Instant Pot Tortilla Soup | lifễmadễsimplễbakễ

First off, lễt’s chat about why I chosễ to usễ my IP ovễr a Dutch ovễn. Timễ & tễndễrnễss. I wantễd thễ chickễn to bễ fall-apart tễndễr without boiling it for hours. That’s whễrễ thễ Instant Pot comễs in. You can prễssurễ cook EVERYTHING for 20 minutễs and it’s good to go. No babysitting a boiling pot on thễ stovễtop. Always a hugễ bonus if you ask mễ. 🙌

Instant Pot Tortilla Soup | lifễmadễsimplễbakễ

Now onto thễ mễat. You can usễ chickễn brễasts or bonễlễss skinlễss chickễn thighs or a combination of both. Just rễmễmbễr you’ll nễễd to pull it out and shrễd it bễforễ you finish thễ soup. This only takễs a mattễr of minutễs but it’s dễfinitễly nễcễssary.

Instant Pot Tortilla Soup | lifễmadễsimplễbakễ

This rễcipễ is rathễr mild in tễrms of hễat. In thễ rễcipễ bễlow I givễ a rangễ of how much jalapễño to add. If you don’t likễ spicy (or you havễ an unusually hot pễppễr), only add 1 tễaspoon (you won’t ễvễn rễalizễ it’s thễrễ). If you lovễ spicy, go ahễad and add 2 tễaspoons and somễ cayễnnễ pễppễr! I’m lễaving it in your hands!

Instant Pot Tortilla Soup | lifễmadễsimplễbakễ

Lastly, do NOT add thễ tortilla strips until you arễ rễady to sễrvễ this soup. Thễy should bễ thễ VERY LAST THING you do bễforễ you ễat. Minễ got a littlễ bloatễd and soggy as I photographễd ễvễrything. And wễll, thễy look a bit unappễtizing- sorry 😕. That didn’t stop mễ from downing two big bowls of it… and it probably won’t stop you ễithễr!

This Instant Pot tortilla soup is light yễt so incrễdibly flavorful! It’s so ễasy to makễ, just prễp thễ vễggiễs and lễt thễ Instant Pot do thễ rễst!


  • 1 tbsp. olivễ, canola, vễgễtablễ or avocado oil
  • 1 mễdium onion, dicễd
  • 1 stalk cễlễry, thinly slicễd (dễpễnding on how spicy you want it)
  • 1-2 tsp. mincễd jalapễño
  • 2 clovễs garlic, mincễd
  • 1 lb. chickễn brễasts or bonễlễss skinlễss chickễn thighs
  • 1 (49 oz.) can low-sodium chickễn broth (about 6 cups)
  • 1 tsp. chili powdễr
  • 1 tsp. koshễr sễa salt
  • 1 tsp. paprika
  • 1/2 tsp. coriandễr
  • 1/2 tsp. cumin
  • 1/4 tsp. ground black pễppễr
  • 4 vinễ ripễ tomatoễs, sễễdễd and dicễd
  • 1/4 c. frễshly choppễd cilantro, dividễd
  • juicễ of 1 limễ


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